
Woodfordes modern brewery

Work and Community Spirit in the Norwich Yards

Joyce aged 85 in 2009
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Joyce remembers the demolition of the Pockthorpe Yards and the beginnings of the Norwich council estates that became, for many, the new Norwich.

Joan Banger
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Joan recalls the strong community spirit of the ladies of St Benedict's.

Joyce as a 10 year old
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Joyce talks with pride of her father as a skilful butcher and a man who liked his pint at the end of a hard day

Ruby in 1940's
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Ruby fondly remembers the carnivals and her special prize

Joyce aged 85 in 2009
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The women in the yards may not have had much but they stuck together to help their neighbours.

Joyce aged 85 in 2009
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The families in the yards may have been poor but their whitewashed doorsteps were their badge of defiance and pride.